Program Introduction

The Guide to Personal Change and Transformation

This program is for you who is honest enough to acknowledge need for personal change and reformation and sincerely want to become a better person; one you yourself can be proud of, one your loved ones can be proud of, and one whom others will believe and acknowledge to have become a good and honorable person - simply because you have become one.

And indeed you can become one!

You are meant to succeed in life and enjoy the freedom and happiness that come with living a good, productive and meaningful life.

I believe that you can and deserve to live that kind of life, that is the reason why this program is developed. It is a a program that will enable you to make it happen in your life: It is a Holistic Transformation Program or HTP for short.

The Holistic Transformation Program is the option being made available to you as a vehicle towards becoming the best person you can ever be or approximate to be.

You have the option to become the best person you can ever be, the best life you can ever have and the best future just right for you. That is the basic affirmation of this program.

Do you want this to happen to you? Do you really want this to happen to you?

The most important factor necessary for this to happen is your decision – definite, firm and real decision to at least want this in your life.

Let us examine if you really have that desire. Why are you here? Why are you taking this course? Perhaps, because you have no choice. It is required and you have no personal reason for going through the motion but you plan to go through it nevertheless. And it is most likely that you will take this for granted. Just to finish. If this is your attitude, I will advise you against this. For with that attitude you will be as poor as when you board a ship filled with hidden jewels/treasures but didn’t bother to search for them and jump off board at the end of the journey as poor as when you first embarked.

So, do you really want to succeed in life and enjoy the freedom and happiness that come with living a good, productive and meaningful life? Let me tell you a story to show you what it will take to make this happen in your life.

“Once there was a young man who heard that there is an old hermit living at a mountain cave who was being visited by people to seek his guidance and advice and those who seek him go away so satisfied with what he shares to them and later on share to others that they found solution to their problems and succeed in life. The young man was intrigued because he has been seeking for wisdom and has not progressed much. So he went up to the mountain to seek wisdom from the hermit. The hermit asked him, ‘Why are you seeking me?’ The young man said, ‘I am seeking wisdom but have not found it.” Without saying a word the hermit motions the young man to follow him. And the hermit went downward to the other side of the mountain till they reach a stream. The hermit went into the stream and motions the young man to come in too, near him. As the young man came near, the hermit hold with both hands the head of the young man and pushed it down and hold it under the water. The young man helplessly thrashed his arms about to try to rise up but the hermit even pushed him harder. After some minutes the hermit let the young man go, who, while gasping for breath asked the hermit, ‘Why did you do that?’ The hermit replied shortly. ‘That’s how much you should desire for wisdom’. And he left the young man.”

Is that how much you desire to succeed in life and enjoy the freedom and happiness that come with living a good, productive and meaningful life?

If not there is no way you can truly succeed in life especially with what you have gone through.

For the one absolutely necessary for you to achieve it is to decide to want it like it is a matter of life and death, and to be willing to do anything to make it happen.

Again, let me repeat. You are meant to succeed in life and enjoy the freedom and happiness that come with living a good, productive and meaningful life.
Let me tell you another story. There was once a prairie Indian who while climbing a mountain to hunt for bird found an egg in one of the crevices. He took it to his wigwam and thought of having a big egg omelet for breakfast. But then he changed his mind and put the egg along with the eggs being hatched by the prairie chicken. Before long the eggs where hatched and out came cute little chicks except for one that is much larger than the rest. The brood of chicks somehow accepted the bigger chick and tags him along in their scratching activity in search for food. Before long the big chick has learned the habit of scratching for grains and accepted the life he was born into. Then one day, out of the prairie, the mother hen came in panic to the chicks warning that a big bird was coming from the sky. They quickly hid and the mother hen told them to always keep away from the sight of the big bird for he will catch them and tear them to death for its food. The big chick caught a glimpse of the mighty bird in the sky from his hiding place and was awed, but he never realized that that was his mother eagle and that he is an eagle himself.

That illustrates the challenge before you. You are not meant to remain in the kind of life that brought you here. You are not meant to scratch all your life for the crumbs of life. You are meant to be an eagle in flight.

The challenge is to change your inner mind and heart to see who you truly are and what kind of life you are meant to live.

And should you decide and take steps to become one, divinity will support you all the way through the natural, human and spiritual resources of the universe.

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Things will begin to happen, both now and in the future, that will eventually lead you to that dream.

The core message of the Holistic Transformation Program:

Your life is like a mountain (how beautiful or barren it is depends on what you made of your life so far) but somewhere deep inside is a diamond – YOU. And you need the wisdom how to mine that diamond. That wisdom is within this program. But you need to work inside of you, to discover that diamond.

Your success in mining that diamond depends on whether you have learned the message from the hermit.

So, are you ready for the great challenge of your life? And what is that challenge again?

“I will become the best person I can ever be, have the best life I can ever have and the best future just right for me.”

Yes, that is what the Holistic Transformation Program helps you to achieve. The program will give you the knowledge, wisdom and tools you need to make it happen. But you alone can make it happen in your life.

You must be willing to work and that work is an inside – out work. It is your decisions followed by persistent actions that will make it happen. No one can do it for you.

Below is the description/content of the program that is holistic and complete and one need for holistic transformation:

Course 1. Towards a New Vision of One Self

The course helps the inmate to see and understand himself as he is in his incompleteness and brokenness to create the impetus for moving towards a personal wholeness which his true being demands. This retrospective and forward movement is respectively explored in module 1 and module 2. This course provides both the framework and direction of the whole program.

Module 1. Understanding One Self
Topic 1. Encountering One’s Personal Reality/History
Topic 2. Understanding One’s Self-Concept
Topic 3. Understanding One’s Personal Worldview
Topic 4. Understanding One’s Personality
Topic 5. Understanding One’s Weakness and Strength

Module 2. Discovering One’s True Self/Identity
Topic 1. What is Man?
Topic 2. Becoming a Person
Topic 3. The Christian View of Man
Topic 4. Confirming One’s True Identity

Course 2. Towards a New Purpose in Life

The course helps the inmate to understand the manifold reasons that drive man in his life. It provides guidance in identifying the motivations for his choices and conduct and gives insight on the forces that propel the general direction by which his life heads to. It provides for the inmate a divinely inspired purpose in life which makes life meaningful and worth living for.

Module 1. Perspectives on the Meaning and Purpose of Life
Topic 1. Insights from the Great Philosophical Traditions
Topic 2. Insights from the Major Religious Traditions
Topic 3. Insights from Modern Science Thinkers

Module 2. The Purpose of Life from Divine Revelation in the Scripture
Topic 1. God’s Divine Purpose for Man
Topic 2. Man’s Purposes in Life
Topic 3. Discovering One’s Personal Purpose

Course 3. Towards Living a New Life

This course helps the inmate gain clear understanding of the kind of life that God is offering in Jesus Christ and helps him take definite steps that makes that kind of life a living, powerful and continuing reality in him.

Module 1. The Christian Worldview
Topic 1. The Reality of God and the Spiritual Universe
Topic 2. The Problem of Man in God’s Universe
Topic 3. The Reality of Evil and Spiritual Conflict

Module 2. God’s Intentionality for Man
Topic 1. God’s Love for Man
Topic 2. God’s Gift of Salvation
Topic 3. God’s Gift of New Life

Module 3. Receiving God’s Gift
Topic 1. Repentance – Changing Heart and Mind
Topic 2. Faith – Accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord
Topic 3. Receiving the Power of God

Module 4. Living the New Life in the Spirit
Topic 1. Relating to God in Prayer – Living a Life of Prayer
Topic 2. Living Under the Lordship of Christ
Topic 3. Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit
Topic 4. Waging War Against the Flesh, the World and the Devil

Course 4. Towards a Life of Service

This course helps the inmate discover and unleash the natural and spiritual capabilities God has gifted him through powerful, practical and effective strategies for harnessing the manifest and latent abilities of his person in performing work and service.

Module 1. Discovering One’s Giftedness
Topic 1. Discovering Ones’ Natural Abilities
Topic 2. Discovering One’s Spiritual Gifts

Module 2. Strategies for Effective Service and Performance
Topic 1. Developing Communication Skills
Topic 2. Employing the Power of Self-Talk
Topic 3. Developing the Heart of a Servant
Topic 4. Developing Winning Attitude
Topic 5. Employing the Whole Brain
Topic 6. Employing the Power of Prayer

Course 5. Developing Good Character

This course helps the inmate come to a practical understanding of the different habits that make up the character of a person living a life of dedicated service to God and other people.

Module 1. Manifesting the Character of Christ
Topic 1. Humility
Topic 2. Meekness
Topic 3. Faithfulness
Topic 4. Confidence & Power
Topic 5. Compassion & Forgiveness

Module 2. Manifesting the Fruit of the Spirit
Topic 1. Love, Joy & Peace
Topic 2. Patience, Self-Control & Gentleness
Topic 3. Faithfulness, Kindness & Goodness

Module 3. Manifesting Integrity
Topic 1. Integrity in Speech
Topic 2. Integrity in Relationship
Topic 3. Integrity in Responsibility
Topic 4. Integrity in Community

Course 6. Becoming a Good Citizen

This course helps the inmate to understand and overcome anti-social behavior, understand social obligation, sharpen one’s moral intelligence and develop sense of responsibility towards community society and humanity.

Course 6-A. Respect for Human Life

Module 4. Developing Respect for Life
Topic 1. Understanding the Holistic Vision of Life
Topic 2. Understanding and Taming Human Aggression
Topic 3. The Philosophy and Practice of Non-Violence

Course 6-B. Honoring Women

Module 5. Developing Respect for Women
Topic 1. Understanding the Special Dignity of Woman
Topic 2. Understanding Man’s Sexual Dysfunction/Aberration
Topic 3. Developing Purity of Heart

Course 6-C. Respect for Property

Module 6. Developing Respect for Personal Property
Topic 1. Spiritual and Economic Perspective on Property
Topic 2. Legal Matters on Property
Topic 3. Developing Self-reliance

Course 6-D. Respect for the Established Order

Module 7. Understanding Ideologies
Topic 1. Understanding Economic Ideologies
Topic 2. Understanding Political Ideologies
Topic 3. Understanding Social Ideologies
Topic 4. Understanding Liberation Theology

Module 8. Developing Loyalty to Country
Topic 1. Understanding the Democratic Ideal
Topic 2. Perspectives on Socio-Political Problems
Topic 3. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Topic 4. Spiritual-Moral Foundation of Governance and Change
Topic 5. Developing Personal Credo and Praxis

Course 7. Building a Strong Family

This course helps the inmate understand God’s purpose for family and provides the wisdom from scripture and the human sciences on how members of the family should relate to one another and work together to build and maintain a strong and happy family.

Module 1. Understanding God’s Vision for Family
Topic 1. The Family in God’s Plan
Topic 2. Headship in the Family – Three-fold Role
Topic 3. Protecting the Family

Module 2. Husband and Wife Relationship
Topic 1. Woman in God’s Plan
Topic 2. Understanding Woman
Topic 3. Loving Your Wife
Topic 4. Roles and Partnership in Caring for the Family

Module 3. Exercising Fatherhood
Topic 1. Fatherhood in God’s Plan
Topic 2. Loving Your Children
Topic 3. Freedom and Discipline
Topic 4. Empowering Your Children

Course 8. Developing Economic Power

This course helps the inmate achieve a prosperous life through application of spiritual, economic and financial principles and provides him with practical and time-tested strategies for creating and multiplying value in whatever area of productive engagement he may opt for.

Module 1. Fundamental Principles
Topic 1. The Wellspring of Prosperity
Topic 2. Developing Prosperity Consciousness
Topic 3. Manifesting Wealth

Module 2. Creating Value
Topic 1. Principles for Creating Value
Topic 2. Employment
Topic 3. Self-Employment
Topic 4. Entrepreneurship
Topic 5. Investing Right

Course 9. Developing Personal Life Strategy

This course helps the inmate develop a personal plan for living one’s life based on the whole course employing holistic practices meant to develop daily success habits.

Module 1. Developing Personal Mission
Topic 1. Discovering Your Life Passion
Topic 2. Preparing Your Personal Mission Statement

Module 2. Life Mapping
Topic 1. Knowing What You Truly Want
Topic 2. Identifying What Holds You Back
Topic 3. Developing Future Memories

Module 3. Personal Navigation
Topic 1. Establishing Your Daily Success Habit
Topic 2. Engaging Your Whole Person
Topic 3. Monitoring and Self-Correction Strategy

Module 4. Handling Threats to One’s Well-being
Topic 1. Holistic Approach to Wellness
Topic 2. Stress Management
Topic 3. Emotional Management
Topic 4. Strategies for Conflict Resolution

Module 5. Your Wellspring of Resource and Power
Topic 1. The Divine Mileu
Topic 2. The Quantum Field
Topic 3. The Collective Mind
Topic 4. Your Rodolex